call signals

call signals

Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. . 2012.

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Смотреть что такое "call signals" в других словарях:

  • Signals intelligence — SIGINT redirects here. For the UNIX signal, see SIGINT (POSIX). RAF Menwith Hill, a large site in the United Kingdom, part of ECHELON and the UK USA Security Agreement. Signals intelligence (often contracted to SIGINT) is intelligence gathering… …   Wikipedia

  • Signals intelligence in modern history — This article is a subset article of the article Signals intelligence, which addresses the unifying conceptual and technical factors and common technologies in this intelligence discipline. This article deals with signals intelligence in the… …   Wikipedia

  • call — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse kalla; akin to Old English hildecalla battle herald, Old High German kallōn to talk loudly, Old Church Slavic glasŭ voice Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1. a. to speak in a loud… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Signals intelligence operational platforms by nation — This article is a subset article under the main article Signals intelligence, which addresses the unifying conceptual and technical factors and common technologies in this intelligence discipline. This article deals with current signals… …   Wikipedia

  • Call set-up time — In telecommunication, the term call set up time has the following meanings: 1. The overall length of time required to establish a circuit switched call between users. 2. For data communication, the overall length of time required to establish a… …   Wikipedia

  • Call Forwarding — Als Vermittlungstechnische Leistungsmerkmale (engl.: supplementary services), oder auch kurz Dienstmerkmale genannt, bezeichnet man bei einem öffentlichen Telekommunikationsnetz zusätzlich durch das Netz zur Verfügung gestellte teilnehmerbezogene …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • call progress tones —    Audible signals returned to the station user by the switching equipment to indicate the status of a call; dial tones and busy signals are common examples …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Signals Over the Air — song infobox Name = Signals Over the Air Artist = Thursday Album = War All the Time Released = September 16, 2003 track no = 4 Genre = Alternative/Indie Label = Island Producer = prev = Division St. prev no = 3 next = Marches and Maneuvers next… …   Wikipedia

  • call on — Synonyms and related words: adjure, advocate, appeal, appeal to, apply to, beg, beseech, bid, blandish, cajole, call for help, call the signals, call upon, charge, circulate a petition, clamor for, coax, command, commission, conjure, crave, cry… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • call-waiting — noun Date: 1986 a telephone service that signals (as by a beep) to the user when an incoming call is received during a call in progress …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Bugle call — A bugle call is a short tune, originating as a military signal announcing scheduled and certain non scheduled events on a military installation, battlefield, or ship. Historically bugle calls indicated the change in daily routines of camp. Each… …   Wikipedia

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